Thursday, 15 September 2011

3C Anderton Goh(1)

When I heard that our class were going to The Delta Senior School for our Character Education assignment on community service, I was quite excited, yet nervous at the same time, as I imagined the students there to be very rowdy and uncivilized. However, that changed when I reached the school. Many of the students there looked exactly like us, and all of them were very friendly , waving their hands or saying hello to us. I realized that I was very fortunate to be a normal kid, to be born without any defects. From then onwards, I always looked on the brighter side of things, and had a positive view of life.

During our time there, we had to play games with them, and teach them those games at the same time. However, many of the students were already expert players, and we had a great time playing against them. I was playing soccer , and even though I received a few hard tackles from those determined students , I still had fun. At first , we didn't think that the autistic students would pose much of a challenge to us, but in the end, we were completely obliterated on the pitch, and lost by a score of 3-2. But the score was the last thing on my mind. That day, I had made new friends and had a lot of fun competing with them. Never judge a book by its cover! Even though they were autistic, they still gave us a great challenge, and I think that we should learn from them, having perseverance and superb determination. Their never-say-die spirit really inspired me.

After this experience, a huge sense of pride and admiration coursed through me as I had made an impact on these people, as they had on me. The satisfaction of doing a good deed is also immense and irreplaceable. I would most definitely be involved in community work, as they sense of achievement is great, and also that we should give back to the community in one way or another.

This album has 1 photo and will be available on SkyDrive until 12/14/2011.

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