Monday, 12 September 2011

Idk wat subject to write!



When we were told that we were going to visit the Delta Senior School for our service learning, I was quite excited and was looking forward to it. It was the first time I was going to experience how was it like to mix around with the authestic people. It made me feel even more eager to meet them when Ms Sheika told us that they were friendly and kind and was not like most of us would expected it to be. Fortunately, it turned out to be true and those people were amazing to play with.


We split ourselves into three different sports and played against them. I was suprised when I saw some of those guys played better football than us. It totally changed my thinking about them being less priviledge in terms of sports. Their determination to win the game and teamwork impressed me a lot and that totally made me feel ashamed when I think about my team's disappointing performance and poor attitude to win this year! Those were one of the things i picked up from them during the trip there.


In years to come, I would still want to be involved in the community as I feel it is important for us to know that in life not everyone is as lucky as us.



Irfan Iezran Azrin  (14)


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